HerbsPro.com offers free shipping for orders weighing less than 3 lbs (packed weight) and order value over $79 within the 48 contiguous states of United States of America.
Not only is all of our E-Liquid hand made but there will also be a mix ratio, nicotine amount, and appropriate warning labels. We strive to make sure your order is filled and shipped within two business days. We use natural or artificial, flavors in our all of our juice with no artificial coloring or color enhancements. All of our liquids are hand made in a clean room using sterile equipment. MSD sheets for most eliquid flavors are available on request via email. Processing time on orders is typically 1-2 business days although that may change depending on volume. Express and overnight orders can be rushed by contacting us directly using our contact us form. We give you the customer the option to order your juice the way you prefer it, allowing you to select your own PG/VG mix and specific nicotine levels to cover everyone’s nicotine needs, along with various bottle sizes ranging from 5ml to 125ml in both glass and plastic bottles. Making you the customer happy is our number one goal.